It Is Enough

Imagine a twelve-year-old, freckled-faced preacher kid being grounded for the entire summer, then forced to read the first twelve chapters of Genesis, the entire book of Revelation and write a five-page report on those bookends of Scripture. All for simply throwing red-carpet-dye-filled-water-balloons on a bunch of two-faced church-going hypocrites. Cruel and unusual punishment if you ask me? When the young fellow asked his father, Why these two books? His dad replied, It is enough!At the age of forty, this still mischievous, freckled-faced preacher kid did something he openly promised he would never do. Throwing aside his successful career as a steel broker, getting rid of stuff, he studied four years and became a Lutheran minister. The pastor’s addictive nature and biblical curiosity led him right back to those two heavenly pieces of literature from long ago, Genesis and Revelation.